Saturday, February 12, 2005

Is the NHL done for the season

Unless they reach an agreement this weekend, the NHL season is over without even having started. I can understand the teams wanting to keep costs down (although they are the ones that are paying the salaries they are complaining about) and the players want to keep what is theirs, is either side any better for not playing this year? The players probably lost more this year than they would lose during a 3 or 4 year contract, and any NHL team that was making a profit probably lost more not having a season than they will recoup even under better terms of a 3 or 4 year deal. I challenge anyone to name a professional sports strike where either side really benefitted for all or part of a season being wiped out. Baseball didn't, don't think football did either. If the season is wiped out, that takes the pressure if reaching a quick deal since the next season is many months away. I would truly not be surprised if next season does not start on time. Its a bummer, I was looking forward to watching some hockey this winter.

You can read the story here:


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